annual adj. 1.每年的;年度的;一年(一次)的。 2.(植物)一年一生的,一季生的。 an annual report 年报。 n. 1.一年生[一季生]植物。 2.年刊,年报,年鉴。 adv. -ly 年年,每年。
exercise n. 1.(精力等的)运用,使用;实行;执行。 2.演习,操练;训练;〔常 pl.〕运动,体操。 3.习题,练习,课程;(声乐、器乐的)练习曲。 4.〔古语〕礼拜;修行。 5.〔pl.〕 〔美国〕典礼,仪式;传统[习惯]做法。 6.学术辩论;(授学位前的)口试。 an exercise book 练习簿。 exercise in mathematics 数学习题。 exercise of the memory 记忆力的锻炼。 graduating exercises 毕业典礼。 gymnastic exercises 体操,健身操。 military exercises 军事演习,军事操练。 opening exercises 开会仪式。 public exercises (音乐等的)公演,大会。 a religions exercise 礼拜。 do one's exercise 做功课。 take exercise 运动。 vt. 1.实行;行使(职权等);使活动,运用;发挥(力量)。 2.练习,训练,操练。 3.使受(影响等)。 4.使烦恼,使操心,使忧虑。 exercise a power 行使权力。 exercise pressure 施加压力。 exercise judgement 运用判断力。 vi. 练习;运动。 be exercised about sth. 为某事担忧[操心]。 exercise oneself in 练习…。
The annual exercise to issue profits tax returns in bulk takes place on the first working day of april each year 利得税报税表于每年4月份第1个工作日发出。
The article iv consultation is an annual exercise , and we see it very much as a health check on how we run the economy 第四条款磋商是基金组织一年一度的工作。对我们来说,这好比对本港经济进行了一次体格检查。
As the fishing moratorium is an annual exercise , afcd has reminded fishermen from time to time that they should take into account its implications in planning their operation every year 由于休渔期每年均会实施,渔护署已一再提醒渔民必须未雨绸缪,在筹划每年的作业时,考虑休渔期带来的影响。
" as the fishing moratorium is an annual exercise , afcd has reminded fishermen from time to time that they should take into account its implications in planning their operation every year 发言人说:由于休渔期每年均会实施,渔护署已一再提醒渔民必须未雨绸缪,在筹划每年的作业时,考虑休渔期带来的影响。
Emergency services international believes that what we in the industry and the faa have been requiring in a full - scale tri - annual exercise does not meet our airports and aviation industry need any more 应急服务国际公司相信业界人士及美国联邦航空局提出的三年一次全面演习的要求已不再能够满足我们机场与航空工业的需要。